Monday, December 13, 2010

Assignment 2 - E-wallpaper

Students are to create a digital image as a wall paper. The event or theme is MMU FOM Open day dated March 21st, 2011.

As such, students are to create a poster to show the characteristics or features of FOM to advertise or to promote their faculty. The size of the wallpaper will be A4.

p/s: please correct me if i do wrong

Final Outcome

This is my FOM Open Day e-Wallpaper. I use "Flare Center" to represent the bright future as my tagline, "Your Future Begins Here"
I also use navy blue as my background colour to keep my wallpaper a sort of harmony in colour. Match with MMU logo, MMU mascot and FOM monument.

p/s: please correct me if i do wrong

Step by Step

Step 1: I make a new A4 size layer, colour background (navy blue) as a background. I use 'Rectangular Marque Tool' and 'Elliptical Marque Tool' to select the pictures and hold 'Alt' to copy it into my new background. Then press 'Ctrl T' to resize the pictures.

Step 2: For the FOM monument, I use 'Polygonal Lasso Tool' because I only want to select the blue area. Then, hold 'Alt' and drag it into background file.

Step 3: I use 'Line Tool' and 'Ellipse Tool' to make the line that connecting the FOM monument to each pictures.
Step 4: Select the pictures layer (except FOMcafe layer) and I change the 'Blending Mode' to 'Hard Light'. Now, the pictures look darker than before. For FOM monument layer, I set the blending mode to 'Lighten' to make the picture more bright.

Step 5: I use 'Horizontal Type Tool' and choose ISOCTEUR as font for the text (Date and Tagline) and Footlight MT Light for the title and I choose gray for the colour.

Step 6: To select MMU Mascot, I use 'Quick Selection Tool' after that, click 'Selection Tool' and hold 'Alt' to copy and drag the mascot into wallpaper. For MMU logo, I just drag it into the wallpaper.

Step 7: Select the background layer, click 'Filter' at menu bar, choose 'Render', 'Lens Flare' and change the brightness to 60%. Finally, Clicked twice at the background layer to change the layer style, I add 'Inner Shadow' and 'Bevel and Emboss' to make my wallpaper more interesting.

p/s: please correct me if i do wrong